Turku KV 27.01.2008
Tuomari Myriam Vermeire, Belgia

"13 months. Scissor bite, missing 1 P2. Head could be longer. Darks eyes but too round. Low placed ears, large at the base. Good neck, back and croup. Just needs to develop. Well angukated in front, could be more angulated in rear. Nice cat feet. Missing undercoat at the moment. Loose elbows. Good tail."

Seinäjoki KV 20.10.2007
Tuomari Fernando Madeira Rodrigues, Portugali

"The bite is not complete, P3 is missing. Nice expression of the head. Quite parallel lines in head. Good neck. Little narrow in front. Nice body, good topline. Good rears, nice tail. The coat is not correct."